Tuesday, August 4, 2009

One Week Post-Op - Almost :)

Tomorrow I'll be one week post op. Its hard to believe. Time flies when your having fun! I'm so happy right now. I was sitting here thinking about how miserable I was before surgery. I felt like there was no hope. I was stuck. I couldn't loose weight and keep it off and I was for whatever reason, I was not moving forward with surgery. That reason will have to be another post, another day. But now? Now? Now, I already feel like I'm shrinking! I've lost 9.5 lbs as of this morning and I feel great. Besides the occasional twinge of pain or rumble in the tummy that is. Definitely not anything I can't handle. I even tried a yogurt today with no problem. It's doesn't appear that I'm lactose intolerant! I'm so excited about that because I love milk. I've also been drinking a lot of ISOPURE this week. You get it at GNC. Its a clear liquid drink in fruit flavors. It resembles Gatorade, but not as strong. I don't like Gatorade, but I like this. It has, I think it's 40g protein. Tomorrow is my one week check up with Dr. Weiss. I can't wait. I don't know why. I'm sure it'll be short and sweet and, it's such a drive.

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