Thursday, August 20, 2009

Three Weeks Out and Feeling Good!

Yesterday was three weeks since surgery. I'm down 19lbs!! Yay!! Plus I lost 18lbs pre-op. My pre-op highest weight was 268. My surgery starting weight was 250. Today I was 231. I'm 5'5". People are noticing my weight loss already! I feel great and I'm starting to adjust to my new life. I definitely feel restriction, however I am able to eat more than most at this point. It doesn't bother me anymore because I'm really not hungry and I do get satisfied and 1/4 to 1/2 cup of food. The restriction is greatest in the morning before 11am and in the evenings after 7pm. As for new foods, I have recently tried tuna salad. I was able to eat 5 ounces, a whole can, but I didn't feel good afterward. No pain, just too full, nauseous and uncomfortable. The next time I ate tuna salad I had only 2 ounces and about ten Special K crackers and felt good, satisfied. The best part is, I really have to make myself eat most days. I'm just not too interested in food. Sometimes I'll think something sounds good, but by the time I make it and get ready to eat, I'm over it. I'm starting to have trouble getting in my protein. I'm not interested in food or drink and that makes it hard to get motivated to drink the shakes. I have made it to at least 50 grams most days. My surgeon would like me at 70 grams. I'm hoping as I add more meat it will get easier. I have started a food journal on this link should take you to it . It's not perfect. I do a lot of tracking from my iPhone and I have noticed duplicate posts several times and one or two inaccurate protein counts on things. All in all, it is very useful to me and helps me know that I'm on track. I'm eating between 400 and 800 cals a day. I usually get closer to 800 on weekends and stay pretty low during the week. I have noticed my energy level in the evening is a little low, but I've been very busy lately and doing a lot of running around. As far as pain goes, if I do much twisting or bending I get sore in my right side where my largest incision is. Other than that I feel good. I'm able to sleep in any position now. I really missed sleeping on my tummy. Now, I'm looking forward to my 1 month check up next week and hopefully seeing the 220s in a few days.

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