Monday, August 31, 2009

One Month Out! Down 20lbs!

Well, It's hard to believe I'm one month out now.. I'm not having any trouble. I was down 21 1/2 lbs Wednesday at my doctor visit and I've lost 3 more since :) . I now weight 226.5. I'm not ever physicaly hungry and I have plenty of restriction, but not too much. I've tried grilled salmon and yesterday I had 2 small meatballs. No problems :). We are going to Disney World the first week of October so I am relieved to be able to eat comfortably. I can eat about 2 oz of protein before I'm full. Some days 3 oz. I feel great.. I do get a little dizzy every now and then. Not sure what that's about. I'm anxious to get my blood work back... I'm hoping it all looks good as I haven't missed a single day of my vitamins. I couldn't be happier!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Erin,
    I am rooting for you and hoping that you will post an update on your progress. Best regards, Olivia
