Monday, October 26, 2009

Adjusting To This New Life

I'll be 3 months out this week and I feel great! I've really started adjusting to this new life of mine and it feels wonderful!! I am down 48 pounds since surgery and I plan to hit that 50 lb mark by the end of the week. It is amazing how easy this has been. My last attempt at losing weight was on Weight Watchers. It took me 9 months to lose 30 lbs. and I struggled with hunger most of the time. Now, I'm almost never hungry. I don't really have an appetite at all right now. Food just doesn't have the same pull it used to. If I think I want ice cream or pizza or whatever the junk is, I just have it. Usually it's just a few bites and I'm full or just plain done. I've had plenty of junk in the last three months and even some Pina Coladas on vacation and I've still managed to lose 50 lbs. I lost 5 lbs on vacation! I don't feel deprived at all. It really is wonderful. I can eat anything I want without getting sick, usually. Of course, if I eat too fast or too much I get sick. Sometimes, if something tastes really good, I forget to eat slowly and end up vomiting. It happens less and less now. Occasionally I've noticed that sweets will make my tummy unhappy too, but not all the time. I try to track my food intake every day. I try to follow the protein first rule, but I do still eat carbs. Fruit tastes wonderful to me and I'm really loving applesauce and canned peaches right now. I stay under 800 cals 95% of the time. Many days I don't even hit 800. I seem to have a hungry week the week before my period starts. During this week I crave sweets and seem to be able to eat more than usual. I am learning to enjoy this week, but I try to still make good protein choices. Speaking of protein, I'm not hitting my 60-70 gram target. I do not drink my protein shakes. They just aren't appetizing. I seem to be able to get 30-50 grams a day from food. I need to work on getting it higher. I do take my vitamins every day. I have not lost any hair yet and I'm hoping I never do, but we'll see. I am so happy I had this surgery and would do it again in a heart beat. It was well worth the $18000 I spent. Heck, honestly, knowing what I know know I would have spent twice that much. The new sense of freedom from food I have is so amazing. Before the thoughts of what to eat next, how much to eat, what food to buy, what I'm craving, how I'm gonna lose weight, how much I've gained, how fat and ugly I look/felt... all these thoughts consumed me, depressed me, and held me back. Now I am free of all of it!

1 comment:

  1. I'm SO glad you updated your posts. And am thrilled for you that things are going so well. I had my sleeve surgery scheduled and then cancelled at the last minute because I was afraid. I have since rescheduled and am so ready. Reading of your experience is very reinforcing of my choice and I am grateful to you for sharing it with others. Please keep posting and congratulations on your success. Sincerely, Olivia
