Wednesday, April 29, 2009

WLS Seminar

I attended a WLS Seminar at Central Baptist Hospital in Lexington on Saturday. It was nice. Dr. Weiss gave a presentation about all the different types of surgeries they offer. Pretty basic. I didn't really learn anything I hadn't already learned in my research. Dr. Weiss was very nice. He is a very confident guy, a little cocky. I like that in a surgeon though. For sure, I want a guy who knows what he is doing. He did show a graph that talks about how people gain weight back after dieting and how they keep most off after WLS. I really liked that. It made me feel good about my decision about surgery. I know if I join Weight Watchers again or do some other program, I'll just gain it back and then some. Just like last time. This surgery is my best chance at long term success. Today I'm feeling confident that I'm making the right choice for me. I'm finally starting to believe that I can do this and I will be successful. It's a good feeling. My husband seems to be more on board now too. He always supported my decision, but I could tell he was a little hesitant. Now, he seems to be excited for me too. He even went up to Dr. Weiss and asked him questions about complications after the seminar. I also asked some questions.. like what size bougie (36) and did he over-sew the staple line (no). He was very friendly and approachable. He even got out his iPhone and tried too show us where his Mayfield, KY office was located. It may be an option for me to go there for follow up care instead of driving to Lexington. All in all - a great experience. Feeling good about things. I turned in my packet and now I just wait for a call.

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